The Coaching Process

A Mindful and Intuitive Coaching Process to Create a Soulful Life and Small Business that you will Love!

The steps of combining the principles of body, mind and spirit with business strategies is what will make you thrive as a woman and an entrepreneur.

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    The Art of Mindfulness:

    Everything starts with clarity! Bringing your vision to life means coming back to center to get clear. I will guide you with proven methods of how to develop your superpowers of self-awareness and mindful intention and clarity so you can attract your ideal customer base within the right circumstances.

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    Making Your Intention Authentic:

    Great ideas and dreams are common. That’s why together we will make sure your offerings are a reflection of your own unique skill set; your innate gifts and any hidden talents, along with your zest for life. Learning more about who you are; WHY you want to develop this business or idea – and bringing ALL of you to your Leadership Role! I will show you creative ways to make it an honest fit to your true nature so you can enjoy the process.

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    The Art of Self Growth:

    Your most powerful superpower is the awareness of what limits or sabotages your progress and how to overcome it – THIS AREA OF GROWTH IS THE KEY THAT ALLOWS YOU TO GROW INTO MEANINGFUL PROGRESS! This is an area that we can deeply transform your limiting beliefs and behaviors into your greatest strengths. This is where you learn to master your mind, awaken your intuition and connect to your inner wisdom.

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    Simplify Your Priorities:

    Achieving your goals means assessing tasks and learning Time Management skills that will set you up for success. Your health is your first priority: this includes learning what self-care habits keep you energized and alert so you can keep up with your vision. You will learn how to be comfortable with the fact that amazing leaders don’t do everything perfectly, but, they do show up and remain in the present moment of their priorities and they get it done!

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    Now You Sparkle! This is where you own it!

    You get to rejoice in seeing that you truly are the creator of your universe and you are most certainly capable of reaching higher levels of potential here on earth. You carry a more mindful presence: your intuition is amped up so you trust your decisions and the process of life just seems better than before; you feel confident, poised and free! You literally grow on so many levels. Everything we have worked on together gets put into its proper place and now you get to carry this wisdom with you forever so you can always practice your universal right to sparkle and make a difference in this world.

I’m pretty sure I just told you the secret to my success and to your success. I am here for you to show you how to make self-mastery your superpower too so that you can continually evolve both in your personal life and in business. This is where your brilliant mind owns that you are the writer of your life story and my job is to support you in making positive and authentic revisions to your story.


Nesconset, NY

Business Hours

Tuesday - Friday
By Appointment

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