Tina’s Story

A woman standing in front of a fence wearing a sweater and scarf.

Namaste! I’m Tina…

I am a Transformational Life and Conscious Business Coach for smart, busy and soulful women entrepreneurs. I am dedicated to help you evolve in all the roles you play in life as a woman and as a small business owner or solo professional.

I have been an entrepreneur, a small business owner and an integrative health professional since 1998 and although I am a passionate teacher of the body, mind & soulful entrepreneurship, I joyfully and forever remain a student of self-growth! In fact, self-growth is one of my superpowers and the basis of my success story in both my personal and business life.

I bring to you 30+ years of business knowledge that began when I entered the corporate world in Manhattan for what was, at the time, the 3rd largest travel agency in the country. I grew into the role of Corporate Travel Administrator & worked with senior management across the nation as my job was to manage millions of dollars in profit sharing revenue for all of our nationwide accounts. I also came to be the person in this company who designed an online tracking system for this revenue.

I also enjoyed the perks of travelling to many exotic places such as Tahiti, New Zealand, Australia, Europe and more. Life was good, until that unforeseen day of “change” came, when the largest travel agency in the world took us over! That’s when my perfect job fell out from under me. What I learned was that I really didn’t know who I was without this job and so this is where my 14 years in corporate America ended and where my “self-growth story” really began.

After some anxiety & some soul searching, I went back to college and switched careers to something that felt more authentic for me. I became a NYS Licensed Holistic Health Practitioner very versed in the western & eastern philosophies of the human anatomy. I remembered feeling scared because I wasn’t originally very good in science and there were so many medical courses. I just wanted to pass! I ended up graduating with honors and received the award for exemplary performance in a clinic environment. Wow! Who knew? Apparently, this is what passion looks like!

I opened my first office inside a gym in 1998 and went on to owning a very sizeable spa & yoga studio in Long Island, NY from 2002-2010. I turned my vision into a business plan. I designed it down to every inch of the floor plan & had it built from the ground up and I employed 10 people. I faced some very intense challenges, beyond what one could ever imagine, such as the economic crash of 2007, but, self-mastery is about discovering what your superpowers are, and so I did.

In 2010 – the most intelligent decision I could make was to keep what I had built and downsize my overhead by moving my spa to a smaller space. This wasn’t easy to do after investing 8 years of commitment to the wellbeing of my clients, my staff and my surrounding community plus all the time, energy & finances I put into it. This was an act of great strength & courage; acceptance & surrender – just a few more superpowers that showed up when I had no other choice. Although I felt very defeated at the time, it truly was the greatest blessing in disguise. I became more profitable within the first 2 years working for myself (with one other employee) then I did during the 8 years the spa was open. During this time I did what any true entrepreneur on the path to reaching her highest potential would do. I invested in myself.

I was still very curious as to why a well-studied and competent woman like me kept coming up against the most wildly sabotaging obstacles that one would never imagine happening. Even though I already had a baseline in meditation, law of attraction and energy healing, I never gave mindfulness my full attention because, like many others, I would say: “I’m too busy to meditate!” until I learned that wasn’t true either. My curiosity, my despair and the desire to be the best person I could be is what guided me to invest many years with a mindfulness mentor and eventually I added the guidance of a business coach.

This self-mastery journey of mine turned out to show me that my destination was to find my place in self-love and see my highest potential. It led me to become very well versed in both the deeper mind and why the use of our right brain is so essential to create and master our visions, our reality and to dissolve fear and self-sabotage behaviors.

I went on to achieve numerous continuing education and certifications in: 
Life and Business Coaching, Guided Meditation & Intuitive Counseling. I continued deeper studies in two different subtle energy systems of the body: the Acupressure Point Meridians as seen in Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Chakras System as studied in Hinduism.

Although I completed two levels of Reiki in 2007, I chose to complete my certification as a Master An-Ra Energy Healer and Medical Intuitive to deepen my knowledge in these studies. I went on to become certified Hypno-synergist™ (a unique & effective system of unblocking limiting beliefs through hypnosis and the subtle energy bodies) developed by Dr. William Bezmen in Mount Sinai, New York.

In addition, I love yoga! I wanted to deepen my own practice to include the wisdom of yogic philosophies and movement into my repertoire to accelerate the experience of mindful healing for me and my clients, so I completed the 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Certification in 2015.

Although this all sounds very ambitious, the wisdom I gained from these practices combined with my organic small business experience & skills is what formed such a strong foundation for my very conscious business coaching practice.

I am excited to share with you how I have combined and refined some soulful methods that can get you through common life challenges such as: anxiety, exhaustion; heartbreak, grief, physical pain, shame, body image & low self-esteem, resentment, guilt and regret which all play a role in the business challenges such as: competition, money flow problems; getting good referrals; making sound decisions, attracting quality help; positioning yourself in the market place and in your industry, time management – just to name a few limiting factors that block women from their power to thrive in their personal and business life.

I enjoy being established in a fulfilling coaching practice for success minded women where I have bridged holistic philosophies of mindfulness and proven business strategies to help you establish a focused, lucrative and meaningful entrepreneurship!

A woman sitting in front of a laptop computer.


Nesconset, NY

Business Hours

Tuesday - Friday
By Appointment

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